Menganalisis Kebiasaan Dan Pola Kerja
Pick your seat and enrich your skill and knowledge!
Pick your seat and enrich your skill and knowledge!
Many leaders, whether intentionally or not, foster toxic work environments. This negativity leads to employees prioritizing self-preservation – finding a new job or avoiding blame – over the company’s success. Simon Sinek emphasizes the importance of psychological safety. In a healthy environment, employees feel comfortable admitting mistakes and seeking help. They can be themselves, fostering…
Effective teamwork means that all team members feel comfortable sharing information and ideas, both positive and negative. Open communication allows team members to understand each other, collaborate effectively, and achieve common goals.
Baru-baru ini, sebuah riset dari Hewlett Packard (HP) mengungkapkan fakta mengejutkan tentang sikap karyawan di Indonesia terhadap fleksibilitas kerja. Ternyata, 96 persen karyawan di tanah air rela memotong gaji mereka demi bisa bekerja dari mana saja, alias Work From Anywhere (WFA). Wah, ini bikin kita berpikir, ya? Apa yang Terjadi?Hasil riset ini sangat menarik. Dalam…